Saturday, February 1, 2014

Tin Man Games releases a sequel to Slaves of Rema called the Sultans of Rema

Published on Thursday, 30 January 2014 12:05

Tin Man Games have started making sequels to some of their existing interactive RPG books and the newest one, which they have been teasing over the last couple of week and which is why Slaves of Rema has been on sale lately, is called the Sultans of Rema. This also marks the ninth Gameboo Adventures release, inching the company closer to the milestone of ten original Gamebook releases onto Android.

This new sequel continues the story of where the original Slaves of Rema left off. As the game's description explains quite well:

Your return to Rema takes you further to the east, to the City-State of Callae, renowned throughout the world as a city of great learning. Your final destination is the Emirates of Akbir, ruled by a sick Emir who has remained neutral to Orlandes’ political leanings over the years. His successor threatens to send that relationship into turmoil. You must secretly enter a harsh desert world of political power struggles and strange magics to ensure a stable future for both Rema and Orlandes!

Of course you will have all the interactive features found in their previous releases such as dice rolling and interactive character sheets plus some title specific ones as well.

Sultans of Rema Features:

•Read the story and dictate the direction of the story! Options based on who you have met, where you have visited and what you have found.
•Lots of achievements to collect and artwork to find throughout the book. These are placed on your achievement wall.
•Three difficulty levels. Read the book casually by being able to move around freely or crank up the difficulty and be a •hardcore gamebook player.
•Awesome artwork by Josh Wright (including a new cover by Dan Maxwell!) and music to accompany the interactive story.

All of you fans of Tin Man Games can now pick up the Sultans of Rema off of Google Play for $5.99. If you missed out on the first book, the Slaves of Rema, you can pick that one up on sale still for $0.99.

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