Thursday, January 30, 2014

Save 15% on all Android cases and accessories at in our Super Bowl Sale!

Super Bowl Savings

Use coupon code BOWL15 at checkout to save your 15 percent!​

Whether you're cheering for the Seahawks or Broncos this Sunday, we're celebrating Super Bowl XLVIII here at Android with a good 'ol fashion sale (this way, everybody wins!). The sale starts now and goes through until Midnight PST on Monday night.

Until then, you can save 15 percent on all Android cases and accessories at in our Super Bowl Sale. To take advantage of the savings, all you need to do is enter coupon code BOWL15 during the checkout process. Free shipping is available on all orders over $50 (domestic U.S./Canada), and you have plenty of payment methods beyond standard credit card including Amazon payments, Paypal and Bitcoin!

We have tons of accessories in stock for so many Android devices — too many to list here! Be sure to take advantage of the savings while they last. And enjoy the game!


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