Command & Conquer: Rivals launches for Android, C&C fans need not get excited
Command & Conquer is a beloved franchise of old real-time strategy games made by Westwood Studios, a company purchased and later closed by Electronic Arts. There have been a few Command & Conquer games since, but this latest mobile game is not really related to the old RTS games we loved.
Command & Conquer: Rivals has been revamped (read: dumbed down) for mobile phones and features in-app purchases, loot crates with wait timers, and all the classic elements we expect from modern pay-to-win mobile games. This is a C&C game only in name.
If you want to give it a shot, it’s free for Android phones. Hardcore gamers may not like it, but casual mobile gamers may enjoy it. Hit the source link and try it for yourself. However, we’re sure most C&C fans will stay away. At least Diablo: Immortal will be better, right?
source: androidandme