Thursday, February 8, 2018

Viewing weather on the Chromecast via Google Assistant now rolling out

The Google Chromecast now has a new trick up its sleeve. If you ask Google Assistant (specifically on a Google Home, as the feature won’t work on phones yet) to show you the weather rather than tell you the weather and you have an active Chromecast on the network, the weather will show up on your TV.

Your Chromecast will show you a five day forecast along with details like precipitation and humidity. This is the first Chromecast visualization to be released, but there should be many more in the future. Whether you would rather wait for the card to show up or simply have Google tell you the weather is a different issue, but it’s nice to see the Chromecast getting some new features.

Unfortunately, first gen Chromecasts are being left out. Android TV is also unsupported, though the card can show up if you ask Google Assistant on the TV itself rather than a Home. It’s also not live for everyone yet. You’ll have to wait for the rollout before this starts working. Let us know when you get the feature!

Sources: Google Support, Android Police, Reddit

source: androidandme