Sunday, August 6, 2017

Following ‘false alarm,’ BLU smartphones are back on Amazon

After the recent report that claimed that some BLU smartphones were sending personal user data to China, Amazon pulled BLU devices from its virtual shelves. Now the phones are back on Amazon and the all-clear has been given.

BLU has announced that its products have returned to Amazon. The company says that the security issue that caused its phones to be yanked from Amazon was a “false alarm.”

BLU responded to the security concerns earlier this week, saying that the data that its phones collect “is standard for OTA functionality and basic informational recording” and that “this is in line with every other smartphone device manufacturer in the world.” The company added that it “has several policies in place which takes customer privacy and security very seriously” and that “there has been no breach or issue of any kind with any of its devices.”

News that smartphones may be sending away sensitive user data without permission is a big deal, especially when a company has previously had similar problems. The good news for BLU and its customers is that it sounds like no sensitive data was being sent to Chinese servers, and less than one week after the were pulled from Amazon, BLU’s devices are once again available from the online retailer.

Sources: @BLU_Products, BLU devices on Amazon

source: androidandme