Thursday, July 20, 2017

Google Play Protect aims to block malicious apps

Apps and games are ridiculously popular, but unfortunately they can be used as a means to get malicious software onto a smartphone or tablet. Google has been working to keep that kind of software away from users for some time, but today they are taking yet another step towards the ultimate goal of keeping Android devices safe.

Google has launched Google Play Protect, and it’s rolling out beginning today. The new feature will be present on all Android devices running Google Mobile Services 11 or newer. Users can find it on their device by going into Settings –> Google –> Security –> Google Play Protect. If it’s there, then it will begin automatically scanning downloaded apps from the Play Store. If an app that gets pinged, it will be listed in this section of the security settings, and apps that’ve been recently scanned will be shown, too.

On the Play Store itself, there will soon be a badge for apps that says “Verified by Google Play Protect,” which should help at-a-glance downloads in the future. This is rolling out now, but it may take some time before users start seeing the badge show up on app splash pages.

Just one more step in keeping the end user safe, which is a good one. What do you think of Google’s latest security measure?

source: androidandme