Tuesday, February 16, 2016

New Humble Mobile Bundle Offers All The Kemco JRPG Action You Can Handle

2016-02-15 18_03_27-Humble Mobile Bundle_ KEMCO 2 (pay what you want and help charity)

Humble Bundle stopped doing its bi-weekly mobile bundle a while back and moved to a more sporadic "whenever we feel like it" schedule. Well, they apparently feel like it today. There's a bundle of six Kemco JRPGs on sale right now, with more on the way.

This works the same as some of the past bundles, but different from the standard rules. You can pay $1 or more and get access to the basic tier of three games—Alphadia, Journey to Kreisia, and Revenant Saga.

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New Humble Mobile Bundle Offers All The Kemco JRPG Action You Can Handle was written by the awesome team at Android Police.

source: androidpolice