Tuesday, February 16, 2016

JetBrains Releases v1.0 Of Kotlin, A Smart JVM-Compatible Language That Can Be Used To Write Android Apps


Kotlin has been emerging as a programming language to keep a close eye on. It started as an internal project at JetBrains back in 2011 and was early the next year. Taking inspiration from both classic C-based languages and a number of modern alternatives like Scala, Kotlin is branded as a "pragmatic" language and modeled to encourage smarter coding and easier readability. JetBrains has been tiptoeing up to an official v1.0 release for a few months, and today, it's finally here.

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JetBrains Releases v1.0 Of Kotlin, A Smart JVM-Compatible Language That Can Be Used To Write Android Apps was written by the awesome team at Android Police.

source: androidpolice