Fireproof Games announces the release date for their upcoming The Room 3 game for Android
- Published on Wednesday, 02 December 2015 09:15
- Written by AndrewH
If you happen to be a fan of Fireproof Games' The Room franchise, then you'll be happy to know that the wait for the third installment is almost over. The Room 3 has been getting the final touches done to it since we last reported on it back in August, and now it looks like everything is ready to go almost.
For those of you not familiar with this series, The Room is a horro-esque adventure series where players need to solve various puzzles in each room within the mansion they happen to be trapped in. Each room has some sort of mystery behind it, with the mansion itself also having its own story to figure out. However, failing to solve a puzzle ends with you not being in any sort of good position.
This third installment takes everything that worked from the past two games and expanded upon it all. On top of that, the artwork, puzzles and everything have been improved as well. Over the past couple of months, the developers have been puzzle tweaking, polishing up everything, finishing the final audio, writing hints, and polishing up the artwork.
So when can you get your hands on The Room 3? Unfortunately there is a bit of a wait still. Fireproof Games has the release set for January 11th, 2016. We will post an update once it does get released.
Thanks to Shuk for the tip!
Website Referenced: Fireproof Games Blog
source: droidgamers