Thursday, June 8, 2017

Android O Developer Preview 3 rolling out now

Near the end of March, Google officially rolled out the first developer preview for Android O, the next big version of its mobile operating system. Now the third DP is rolling out.

Google notes that there are still some issues within Android O Developer Preview 3, including the camera app being slow to launch for some, the overall system performance being slower than some might expect, and more. Google does say it has squashed plenty of bugs already, but considering the state of the software there’s always the possibility of more creeping in.

If you are already part of the Android Beta Program, you should get a notification on your device for the impending OTA upgrade. That should arrive in the next couple of days, as the rollout is only just beginning. This release also includes the final APIs for developers, getting them one step closer to final preparations for the public launch of Android O later this year.

Are you excited to get Android O on your device?

source: androidandme