Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Fan of Whack-A-Mole? Check out Whack a Geemie, now available on Google Play

Published on Tuesday, 22 December 2015 12:22

Released by Steampunk Wizards, Whack A Geemie. Played in a similar way to Whack-A-Mole, players will seek to smack down a bunch of Geemies. What changes it around though is that you're not haphazardly whacking anything that has the misfortune of rearing its head, as there is a spinner in the background that functions like a slot machine.

Whichever Geemie shows on each spin of the slot is the only one you can whack, out of all the different kinds that can pop up. So long as you hit the correct ones, you are awarded points that are multiplied for every successive round you are in. Hit the wrong one and the game ends.

As you can tell, this game is pretty straightforward, simplistic, but fun, which makes it a pretty good time killer when you have a few moments you need to fill in your day. Whack A Geemie is available for free from Google Play, and is supported by ads (including interstitial video ads).

Ryan Ballard
Ryan Ballard - Having jumped onto Android from the burning wreckage known as Palm OS in Nov of 2009 with the original Motorola Droid, Ryan has been a fan of gaming on Android. Beyond that, most any other platform will serve (PC, PS3, SNES, tabletop, CCG, etc). Outside of gaming, he appreciates heavy metal, and super-hot Buffalo wings. He's married with two kids.

source: droidgamers