Claim Arthur's Throne in Pendragon Rising, now on Google Play
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- Published on Monday, 07 December 2015 16:11
- Written by Ryan Ballard
Choice of Games, the makers of interactive fiction games, has announced a new entry to their line of Games: Pendragon Rising. In this game, players will assume the roll of King Pendragon's illegitimate offspring, as either Arthur, the son of Uther, or Arta, Utta's daughter. The goal of the game is to set forth to claim the throne for themselves.
An army of Britons awaits to be led, to take on the demonized enemies that would stop you. The game is composed entirely of text, so there's no soundtrack or graphics to speak of. That being said, it allows a wide variety of choices. Players can charge ahead in battle, or rely on subterfuge. Who would you choose to romance, childhood friend or someone new?
For example, in battle with the Saxons, you've captured some prisoners, including Cynric, son of Cerdic the Wolf-Lord. What will you do with them?
A) Kill them.
B) Let them return home to carry word of our victory to their people.
C) Keep Cynric as hostage, release the others.
D) Keep Cynric as hostage, kill the others.
The kind of character you choose to be is spelled out in the options, as you make such decisions. Try to forge alliances and friendships, all towards building a kingdom. There are over 100,000 words within the game, which is available now. The first three chapters can be played for free, after which on IAP is required to unlock the rest of the game. For thereat week, the cost is $2.99, which is marked down by 25%.
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Offers in-app purchases
Appears in a list of New & Updated Android Games / Apps for Dec. 2015
source: droidgamers