Android M Update for Moto X 2014 (XT1095) Rolling Out
Early in October Motorola let us all know their Marshmallow update plans for their lineup of devices, and over the last month have been rolling out a few of those updates:
As of yesterday, the Moto X 2014 (2nd Edition) Pure Edition has begun to join the party. Around mid-day XDA Member mikeboballen reported that he had begun to receive the update, and it was confirmed by various users throughout the day. I personally checked last night and did in fact receive the update, versioned 24.11.18.en.US. If you haven't received the update yet, and are on an unrooted, stock build, you should receive the update soon. If you are on a custom build, you will need to return to stock – and thanks to XDA Senior Member Tovagulet there's a nice walkthrough of that process.
Let us know your thoughts on the update in the comments below.
source: xdadevelopers