Android Game Sale Round-Up: Geometry Wars 3, Faif, Killing Floor: Calamity and a lot more
- Published on Tuesday, 29 December 2015 09:36
Even though Christmas is over, the holiday season is not. This means that there are still plenty of Android games on sale right now that you can snag copies of, download, and fill up the storage on that new Android device of yours. There are some really great games to be had right now for discounted prices.
Nvidia currently has a bunch of games for their Shield devices on sale for 60% off their regular prices. There's also plenty of indie developers with their games on sale and plenty of repeats from last week's massive list of games being discounted just before Christmas arrived. HyperDevBox still has their game sale going on, as does Kemco with ten of their games being discounted. Square Enix also has their Android game sale still going on. So there is still a ton of Android games on sale.
Nvidia Shield Games on Sale:
Team17 Games on Sale:
New Android Games on Sale:
Coffee Stain Studios
Repeat Android Games on Sale:
Like always, if you spot a game that isn't on our list, let us know in the comments below so everyone can take advantage of it. We will also try to add it to our list as well.
Please Note: Since there are so many games on sale right now, this list is for all the recent ones put on sale over the last couple of weeks for the holidays. So some older games on sale won't be on here.
source: droidgamers