Saturday, September 5, 2015

PSA: OnePlus Will Send Our Giveaway Invites Soon

giveaway announcement

Last week we held a contest where thirty winners would receive a OnePlus 2 invite. Jerdog, our OEM Relations Admin, contacted OnePlus to set up the contest and arranged it with Bridget, OnePlus’ Communications Manager. OnePlus asked that we send them the email addresses of the winners, and we carried on with the contest as planned. On Tuesday, September 2, we delivered the list to OnePlus.

Since then we’ve received and replied to various questions from the winners who are understandably concerned and rightfully upset, given that over 3 days later, no invites were sent out. I have replied personally to all queries sent my way.

One of the users I replied to is XDA Junior Member QueQ, who also spoke to OnePlus through a customer support chat room. A OnePlus representative replied to him, stating that “the XDA contest is not legit” and that the site as a whole is a “bogus website”.


We’re going to chalk all of this up to simple miscommunication, poor timing (China celebrated the 70th Anniversary of Victory over Japan day on September 3rd, and many companies closed early for the weekend) and an overworked customer service rep who is probably half a world away. If it’s not abundantly clear, we’re not a bogus website. We have a very legit e-mail exchanges with OnePlus confirming that the contest was in motion, that they received the confirmed winners list, and that they would send the invites this week.

According to Bridget, the Chinese holiday is the reason for the delay, and the invites will be sent next week.

We sincerely apologize to everyone affected by this oversight, and expect invites to be delivered early next week. If they are not, we will do more than just deliver invites: we will purchase all thirty devices as soon as they are available to us.

UPDATE: It seems that OnePlus has decided to send them out sooner given the groundswell of comments around this issue. If you were one of the original winners, and have not received your invite from OnePlus yet, please contact

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source: xdadevelopers