The Room 3 will be launching in a couple of months if all goes well
- Published on Tuesday, 18 August 2015 16:18
- Written by AndrewH
For those of you that are fans of The Room franchise and happen to be eagerly awaiting the next installment into the series, it looks like the wait is slowly coming to an end. While the game is obviously not ready just yet, it looks like Fireproof Games is making a lot of progress with finishing it and getting it out into the hands of fans.
In an update on the developer's blog, they go through what is done, what is left, and when we can expect to play The Room Three. The game is pretty much playable right through from start to finish right now. This means that all that is left is puzzle tweaking, polishing up everything, finishing the final audio, writing hints, and polishing up the artwork. Once all of that is done, then it is all about testing and fixing any bugs.
If all goes well, Fireproof Games is stating that we should see The Room Three get released within the next couple of month. Of course that is all dependent on everything going smoothly between now and then. In the meantime, Fireproof Games have released a few more screenshots for everyone to check out while you wait for the game's release. We will post an update once more information is released.
Developer Website: Fireproof Games Blog | Fireproof Flickr (all screenshots)
source: droidgamers