Kill the Maliao is ironically a rip-off of mario parody game Kill the Plumber
- Published on Thursday, 23 July 2015 10:09
Kill the Plumber is a Mario-style platformer where players actually play as the enemies instead of the Italian plumber. However, one thing you can see in Kill the Plumber is the heavy influence it has taken from Mario games in regards to level design, enemies, pretty much every aspect. Another game called Kill the Maliao is basically a rip-off of Kill the Plumber, which could technically be considered a rip-off of Mario games.
Kill the Maliao features a lot of the same sprites and hand-drawn comic art found in Kill the Plumber. What's even stranger is that Kill the Maliao has been on Amazon's Appstore since before Kill the Plumber launched. Strange bedfellows indeed, especially since Kill the Plumber is the original game and not Kill the Maliao.
Kill the Maliao (Left) and Kill the Plumber (Right)
Kill the Plumber is actually undergoing a complete redesign because it was rejected by Apple due to copyright reasons, which is pretty easy to see why. So Kill the Plumber will have a completely different look soon. Interestingly enough, Kill the Plumber is currently getting voted on over on Steam's Greenlight, which you can go and submit your vote for it over here. Even though Kill the Plumber has a very heavy influence from Mario games right now, the gameplay is completely original and quite fun.
We aren't sure how this copycat of a copycat will play out, but it is a good chuckle and pretty ironic. If you haven't played Kill the Plumber, you can pick it up off of Google Play for $2.99.
Website Referenced: PocketGamer
source: droidgamers