Hidden Gem: The WUUUUUUUUUUUU is a game you play using your voice
- Published on Monday, 06 July 2015 15:07
We haven't done a Hidden Gem type of article in quite some time, but that's not to say we haven't found any Hidden Gems to write on. It's quite the opposite really but getting time to write about all of them is hard to do at times. However we find ourselves having some time to write about one called The WUUUUUUUUUUUU.
So what is The WUUUUUUUUUUUU? Well this is a game you play using your voice. The goal of this game is to help get the creatures in this game to the correct house. Pink creatures go to the pink house, blue creatures to the blue house, and so on. However, to do this you will have to raise and drop WUUUUUUUUUUUU, which happens to be some sort of water-type creature with an odd look on its face. Letting him drop is easy, just be quiet. Raising him is done by saying WUUUUUUUUUUU at your phone.
You can't raise The WUUUUUUUUUUUU too high though, or you'll crush the creatures on your platform into the spikes above. Doing that or missing the correct house ends the game, so you will want to pay attention to where your platform is at while you are singing to your phone. You can adjust your phone's mic sensitivity via the in-game menu for better performance.
The WUUUUUUUUUUUU is just a fun and entertaining game to play, whether on your own or with friends. Playing this while everyone is partying around you may or may not be a great idea. It's a unique game with a lot of potential for having fun, or at least some laughs. Downloading The WUUUUUUUUUUUU is free off of Google Play and you can check it out in action in the video below.
source: droidgamers