Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Griddition is a new numbers puzzle game that is now available on Google Play

Published on Tuesday, 07 July 2015 15:44
Written by AndrewH

Puzzles are a good way to kill time and number puzzles are one of the more preferred types of puzzles to do that with. There is a new puzzle game out on Android called Griddition and while the premise of this particular puzzle game is simple enough, actually getting far in it can be quite a challenge.

Developed by Swifty the Sloth, which is a great studio name, Griddition presents players with a grid-style playing area. The goal is simple enough, all you have to do is fill in the grid with numbers so that each row and column come to the given total for that particular row/column when added together. So if one row has a total of 11, and you have three spots available, you could do 8, 2, and 1. Having a small grid like that with three spots is one of the very easy difficulty settings. It gets a lot harder when you have more spots available to input numbers into and totals that are a lot bigger that 11.

Griddition Features:

- 7 levels, ranging from VERY EASY to EXTREMELY difficult
- Suitable number puzzle for everybody's difficulty requirements
- 8 color themes, to suit every mood
- Consistently high quality sound effects and animations for a smooth playing experience

There is actually two types of game modes in Griddition, find the correct solution or make up your own. Both of these are equally as challenging, so it is just a matter of which method you prefer when trying to melt your brain. For those of you interested in checking this game out, Griddition is available off of Google Play for free with optional IAPs available.

Griddition®: Number Puzzle

9 ratings

Offers in-app purchases

by Swifty the Sloth
100 - 500 downloads

Appears in a list of Short Android app reviews

AndrewH - Andrew is the Founder and Editor-in-Chief of DroidGamers. Having been a hardcore PC and console gamer all his life, this passion is now applied to Android gaming and writing about it. When not playing or writing about Android games, he spends his time with is wife and son.
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source: droidgamers