Tuesday, May 26, 2015

XPrivacy for Android Lollipop – XDA Xposed Tuesday


Have you ever been on the Google Play Store and saw an app that you wanted to try, but the sheer amount of permissions put you off? Why does a LED Color app need access to my calendar? Sometimes app developers tell you that it’s because of the ads. However, other times, apps don’t explain why they are spying on your text messages.

In this episode of XDA Xposed Tuesday, XDA TV Producer TK reviews an Xposed Module that enables you to control what permissions the apps actually get. XDA Recognized Developer M66B created the XPrivacy module. TK shows off the module and gives his thoughts, so check out this Xposed Tuesday video.

Be sure to check out other great XDA TV Videos:

The post XPrivacy for Android Lollipop – XDA Xposed Tuesday appeared first on xda-developers.

source: xdadevelopers