Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Twitch finally brings on-demand VODs to their mobile app with their latest update today

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Published on Wednesday, 20 May 2015 12:25
Written by AndrewH

The Twitch application for mobile devices keeps getting better and better and this new update that arrived today is no exception to that either. This latest update brings another feature a lot of people have been wanting for some time: on-demand VODs to watch.

For those of you not familiar with what these are, essentially this are videos of past broadcasts that are saved to a streamers account. This allows users to watch past broadcasts and highlights for different reasons, whether it be a favorite 'episode' or in case they missed a stream on a particular day. Regardless of the reason, it hasn't been possible up until now with the mobile app.

VODs are found in a channel's activity feed and can be accessed in two different ways:

- If you’re watching a live channel, tap the Activity Feed icon located on the player. For iOS this is on the top left of the player, and for Android it’s on the bottom left.
- If you’re on the Search page or Following directory, tapping any offline channel will also take you directly to the Activity Feed.

Before you run off and update your version of the Twitch app, there is on very important piece of information for Android users and that is you can not update your application. Due to a possible security vulnerability, Android users will have to uninstall their current version of the Twitch app and install this new one.

Website Referenced: Twitch

AndrewH - Andrew is the Founder and Editor-in-Chief of DroidGamers. Having been a hardcore PC and console gamer all his life, this passion is now applied to Android gaming and writing about it. When not playing or writing about Android games, he spends his time with is wife and son.
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source: droidgamers