Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Iruna Online updated with two new classes and skills to try out

Published on Wednesday, 20 May 2015 11:40

Iruna Online, for those of you not familiar with this game, is a full 3D MMORPG from Asobimo which was released some time ago. Iruna Online has received an update that has added two additional classes for people to check out and play, one being a new support type class, and the other being a new strong attack/defense type class.

Admittedly, the name for the new support class is kind of an interesting choice. The new support class is called Servant which specializes in supporting other party members, whether that be with buffs or other effects. Beast Knight, which sounds a lot better name-wise than Servant, is the new strong attack/defense class. With new classes comes new skills and both have their own unique skills available as well.

This update is now available for download although there are some people who are experiencing issues since the recent updates. Just a heads up in case you want to play it safe and wait on updating till fixes are released. Of course downloading the update may be totally fine with your device.


44,174 ratings

by Asobimo, Inc.
1,000,000 - 5,000,000 downloads

Appears in a list of New & Updated Android Games / Apps for May 2015

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