Friday, May 1, 2015

Defend the mothership in Susume Tactics, now available for Android devices

Published on Friday, 01 May 2015 12:18
Written by Ryan Ballard

Originally developed for the Sony PSP back in 2012, Susume Tactics is a Real-Time Strategy game that uses old school, vector-syle graphics. It is all about fast-paced action where the player's main goal is to destroy the enemy army that is confronting them.

There's a couple of different phases in the game, as players must build, place, and direct their tanks to defend their mothership against waves of enemies. Players will be controlling their tanks using swipes and taps.

Susume Tactics Features:

• Real time strategy and tactical tank battles.
• 11 different types of tank units including sniper tank and long missile tank!
• An arcade mode for players to chase the high score!
• A war mode for longer campaigns against an unforgiving computer controlled enemy.
• Lots of challenging levels from easy to evil difficulty!
• Vector graphics just like the classic games.
• Excellent old school sound effects and music.

Susume Tactics is available on Google Play for $3.99 and comes with no IAPs either, so it is a completely premium game which is always nice to see. You can check out the game in action before buying it by watching the trailer below.

Ryan Ballard
Ryan Ballard - Having jumped onto Android from the burning wreckage known as Palm OS in Nov of 2009 with the original Motorola Droid, Ryan has been a fan of gaming on Android. Beyond that, most any other platform will serve (PC, PS3, SNES, tabletop, CCG, etc). Outside of gaming, he appreciates heavy metal, and super-hot Buffalo wings. He's married with two kids.
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source: droidgamers