With Driver Destination, Lyft Offers Commuters A Way To Make Money On The Way To Work
You're heading to work to make money, but what if you could earn a little extra on the way? That's what Lyft is promising with its latest initiative, Driver Destination.
The new service extends to drivers what Lyft Line offered passengers. It lets drivers offer rides to people who are heading in the same direction, and it pays them for the trip.
Here's how Driver Destination works. First you put your destination into the app. Lyft will then send you requests from drivers who are along your path and heading in the same direction, ideally requiring minimal detours. You can earn up to $400 a month for your efforts.
Of course, you have to ask yourself: can you afford to be a little late to work? If not, are you willing to wake up earlier to compensate? And are you willing to put up with strangers first thing in the morning?
There's a reason so many Americans commute to work alone.
25,587 ratings
by Lyft, Inc.
1,000,000 - 5,000,000 downloads
Appears in a list of Android Wear Games & Apps
Source: Lyft blog
Bertel King, Jr. ![]() | Born and raised in the rural South, Bertel knows what it's like to live without 4G LTE - or 3G, for that matter. The only things he likes sweeter than his tea are his gadgets, and while few objects burn more than a metal phone on a summer day, he prefers them that way anyway. |
source: androidpolice