Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Xperia Z3 Smart Social Camera Ported to Other Sony Devices

Z3 Smart Social Camera Port

Ever since the release of the Sony Xperia Z1, one particularly vaunted feature of Sony devices has been the “Smart Social Camera” software. While the app was initially exclusive to the Z1, it made its way to numerous other Sony devices with the Android 4.3 update. With the launch of Sony’s Xperia Z3 at IFA 2014, the Smart Social Camera was revamped and given numerous new features to enhance the device’s photo and video capturing experience. But with the launch merely a fortnight ago, the app remains exclusive to the Z3 for now, with its fate uncertain regarding whether older Xperias will also partake in the update.

However, XDA Recognized Themer xperiaz2 has a fix for this quandary in the form of his port of the Smart Social Camera, which is compatible with a large number of Xperias running Jellybean or KitKat. Due to the common framework shared by the devices, the port doesn’t compromise on any of the features, packing all the original features such as Face In and AR Fun. The port is relatively simple to install and comes packaged as a flashable zip, allowing you to enjoy it without a time consuming process.

Head over to the Z3 Smart Social Camera Port Thread to get started with the Z3 camera experience and its unique AR features.

The post Xperia Z3 Smart Social Camera Ported to Other Sony Devices appeared first on xda-developers.

source: xdadevelopers