Tuesday, September 9, 2014

WearResponses Xposed Module Lets Rooted Users Create Custom Android Wear Responses For SMS

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It never ceases to amaze me how much rooted users can get done with the Xposed Framework customization engine. The latest add-on module lets you expand the somewhat basic canned responses available on Android Wear-enabled text messaging apps. With WearResponses, you can add in just about any custom message to the list that appears on your watch, which should be handy for specific work replies that are too unique for voice detection. Like "GB419 is ready to ship," or "Horiguchi wants the meeting changed," or "SOON BACKANSWER!"

2014-09-09 00.21.27 2014-09-09 00.26.14

After installing the Xposed module and restarting your phone to activate it, WearResponses guides you through creating, editing, and deleting canned responses. New entries will appear on your Android Wear device in the side-swipe options on new messages. Right now WearResponses in its 1.0 release, and supports the default Android SMS app, Hangouts, 8SMS, and EvolveSMS. Note: at the moment the WearResponses module can only add new responses for SMS messages sent through Hangouts, and it doesn't work for regular instant messages. The developer has told me he's working on adding support for Hangouts IMs and more services in the future.

By default WearResponses you can add only three custom responses to your Wear device, but the reasonable $1.50 unlock app supports unlimited custom responses. You'll need a rooted phone, Android Wear, and a fully set-up version of Xposed Framework to get the whole shebang going. You can check here for the latest version of Xposed.



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WearResponses Unlocker

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Michael Crider
Michael is a native Texan and a former graphic designer. He's been covering technology in general and Android in particular since 2011. His interests include folk music, football, science fiction, and salsa verde, in no particular order.

source: androidpolice