RIP Sprint Nexus 5
Roughly one year after its initial debut, the Sprint Nexus 5 has reached end of life status. RIP good buddy, we hardly knew you.
Thankfully, it’s not all bad new for Sprint Nexus 5 owners, or those that still have their eye on the device. Not at all. The Sprint-sold model of the Nexus 5 being EOLed does mean the carrier won’t be selling the device once remaining stock runs out, they won’t be advertising the device and they won’t be issuing any more carrier-enhanced upgrades (those that would affect Sprint specific problems). But the Sprint Nexus 5 is the same as any Nexus 5. Which means it gets its updates directly from Google, so it will continue to be supported.
Whether or not Sprint will carry the still unannounced mystery Nexus X remains to be seen. But Sprint has been a good partner for Google in the past, it would almost seem strange if they didn’t carry the device.
source: androidandme