Saturday, July 5, 2014

Change the System Accent Color of Your Xperia Device Easily with Xposed Module


One major and welcomed addition to the Sony Xperia user interface that came along with the Android 4.3 update was Xperia Themes. This feature allows you to effortlessly change a number of UI elements with custom themes created by the community, one of which includes the system-wide system accent. Normally, the only way to change the color of the system accent is to set a new theme, which may also inadvertently change other aspects of the UI. But if you’d rather change this setting specifically without altering anything else that you may have in place, there’s now an Xposed module which will allow you to do this.

Called simply Xperia Theme Xposed Module and developed by XDA Senior Member SArnab©®, the module enables you to conveniently change the color of only the system accent without touching anything else. The choice of colors are not restricted by the Xperia themes you have installed on your device, but rather, you have a wide range of colors to choose from. SArnab©® has provided two versions of the module, with one variant being ad-supported, and the other being ad-free. Both, however, are exactly the same in functionality.

If you would like to check Xperia Theme Xposed Module out yourself, be sure to visit the original thread for more information and download.

The post Change the System Accent Color of Your Xperia Device Easily with Xposed Module appeared first on xda-developers.

source: xdadevelopers