Saturday, June 14, 2014

McAfee brings “kill switch” feature to LG G3

LG Electronics announced that it has partnered with McAfee to bring an anti-theft feature to the new LG G3 phones. The mobile devices will now be pre-installed with the latest version of the McAfee Mobile Security, which includes a Kill Switch function so that you can erase data and disable the phones when it has fallen into the wrong hands.

With the number of stolen smartphones, growing every year, it’s become crucial that these new models come with anti-theft software and hardware. Malware infections, with a 197% increase between December 2012 and December 2013 according to McAfee’s Consumer Mobile Security Report, are also one of the leading reasons why consumers have to replace their phones. So the solution for mobile companies to help out their customers when it comes to these issues is to pre-install security precautions, like McAfee’s latest offering.

Not only will the software protect the LG G3 from these malware infections, it also has a kill switch that will enable you to disable your phone’s functions, including unauthorised factory reset, when it gets stolen. Even attempts to root the phone will be blocked and the lock screen will require password authentication, and the user can control the device from a web console.

According to Dr. Ramchan Woo, head of smartphone planning division of LG, this is just one of the measures they are taking to help consumers protect their smartphones and their information as well. The Kill Switch feature was activated on the LG G3 phones late last month while other users can download the free version of the McAfee Mobile Security from the Google Play Store.


source: androidcommunity