Saturday, June 28, 2014

LG Chromebase now available on Amazon for $329

Google’s Chrome OS was back in the spotlight this week due to its upcoming ability to run Android apps. One of the newest Chrome OS devices is LG’s Chromebase, a low-cost Chrome OS all-in-one PC. Now, the Chromebase is on sale on Amazon for the low price of just $329, making it one of the cheapest full-sized PCs to date.

The Chromebase doesn’t require hefty internals which cuts down the cost significantly. The specs include a 22-inch 1080p IPS display, 1.4GHz dual-core Intel Celeron processor, 2GB RAM, 16GB SSD, USB 3.0 port, three USB 2.0 ports, HDMI port, and an ethernet port. Before you start bashing the Chromebase for its meager spec list, remember that it uses Chrome OS which requires very little power to run. Cloud storage is also emphasized with a free 100GB of Google Drive storage bundled with the Chromebase. A mouse and keyboard are included.

While we don’t see the Chromebase replacing a dedicated PC for most people, it certainly makes for a low-cost option for a full-size all-in-one. It could, perhaps, be a good family PC for the kitchen or other communal place. Easy to access and view for things like watching TV shows or reading recipes. Head to the source link below if you want to purchase a Chromebase, or perhaps just want to check out the Amazon reviews.

What do you think of concepts like the Chromebase?

source: androidandme