Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Google Search UI For Movie Showtimes Looks Different-y, Has Cards, Date Picker


As you well know, we're all about when Google changes stuff about things, and boy, did it ever change some stuff about things in the search UI for movie showtimes recently! We're not sure exactly when the update happened, but the movie showtimes layout has been significantly altered on both mobile and desktop to reflect Google's typical card-style layout.

Screenshot_2014-06-16-13-29-41 Screenshot_2014-06-16-13-29-57 Screenshot_2014-06-16-13-30-18

And here it is in desktop mode:


Importantly, the new UI also now includes a date picker, so you can access showtimes for future days much more easily. For reference, here's the old desktop UI.


A significant improvement in both readability and functionality, if you ask me. The new UI appears to be showing up for most people at this point, though like anything Google does, it's possible the rollout is regional and may not have yet reached all corners of the world just yet, such as those where movie showtimes aren't supported.

Thanks, Isaac.

source: androidpolice