Gameloft has some secret games they plan to reveal at E3 2014
- Published on Thursday, 05 June 2014 12:04
- Written by AndrewH
Gameloft has quite the catalog of games heading our way right now with Modern Combat 5: Blackout and another untitled games they have been teasing that we recently reported on the other day. Rival Knights was another game they were teasing but that got released yesterday. Word on the proverbial street is that Gameloft has another 4-5 games tucked away right now that they plan to reveal during next week's E3 2014.
One game that is confirmed to be officially revealed during E3 2014 is the untitled one that they have been teasing recently with the #BeYourElement hashtag on Twitter. This is the same one we posted about the other day. Since Modern Combat 5: Blackout is already announced, we are guessing that isn't included in the 4-5 games they plan on showing during the event.
Unfortunately we have absolutely no idea what the other games are that they plan to reveal during E3 2014. With that said, what are you hopes in regards for upcoming announced games during E3 2014 for Gameloft? We do know that they will have three live streams during E3 showing off these new games, you'll be able to watch those here as well as on TwitchTV when they go live.
Developer Website: Gameloft
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