While we wait on Reading Rainbow for Android, consider this Kickstarter campaign
We interrupt your daily deluge of Android news and reviews for this special, semi-Android-related announcement. Unless you've been living under a rock today, you'll have noticed that LeVar Burton — yes, the LeVar Burton — and and his next-generation Reading Rainbow crew (yes, I went there) have launched a Kickstarter campaign to raise $1 million. The continuing mission (yes, I went there again): Bring Reading Rainbow to the Internet at large. It's currently available on iOS, which is great. (My kids love it on the iPad.) And we're still waiting for it on Android (supposedly later this year). But The Web is still The Web. Classrooms are up next, with the goal to bring the curriculum to 1,500 classrooms for free.
Backing starts at just $5 and reaches $3,500 for dinner with the man himself, with any number of other packages in between.
I get that Kickstarter campaigns are a dime a dozen. Many are gadgets that come out far later than we'd like, and in a different form than we expected. This one just feels different, and I've watched it earn several hundred thousand dollars already today.
You can't really put a price on educating children. But if you've got a few bucks, I encourage you to consider this one. You can find more information here.
source: androidcentral