Saturday, May 3, 2014

Which carrier has the fastest network? Help us find out!

Who’s got the fastest mobile network? All kinds of studies are out there, but are typically a small sampling of carriers’ network strength. Android Community is partnering with PC Mag to help crowdsource some information on which network has the best speeds.

The project is aimed at culling data from the Sensorly app, which gathers connection data from your device and feeds it to a central database. Providing a real-world synopsis of which carrier is the best — and in which areas — sidesteps the potentially misleading information you’ll get from a carrier.

The project will run through May, so be sure to download the app (link below) if you want to participate. At the end of the month, PC Mag and Android Community will go through the information and tell you exactly what we find.

Will your carrier fare the best overall? What about true, crowdsourced data in your area? If you’v ever been tired of arguing over which carrier has the best coverage, now is your time to participate and offer up some info of your own. The project is based on your hard data, so there is no wiggle room for error.

The app does a bit more than offer up raw carrier connection speed data, too. You can plan trips based on coverage, check your activity, and even run a quick speed test. Though the project lasts through the end of the month, Sensorly may be one you’re willing to keep on your device long after. It’s a pretty handy app, and serves as a great backbone for this project. If you’re ready to end the carrier debate, feel free to hit the link below and start contributing!

Sensorly App

source: androidcommunity