Friday, May 2, 2014

Status Update on the Ongoing 555 Contest


Back on Monday, we launched our part of the Poweramp 555 Giveaway. For those who don’t remember, we asked you to tell us how Android has influenced your lives. And in return, you have a  chance at winning one of five flagship devices, courtesy of the fine folks at Poweramp and Negri Electronics.

To say that the response to date has been impressive would be a vast understatement. And for this, we wish to thank every single one of you for sharing your heartfelt and hilarious stories. Unfortunately, this incredible response also brought about some of the worst in our community. Almost as soon as the contest began, we were made aware of several attempts at scamming the voting system, whereby users encouraged others to cast multiple votes from new accounts, as well as several guest votes.

As you can imagine, this kind of unethical behavior turns a contest that should bring about the best in the community into one that rewards those who are best at cheating the system. In order to combat this, we are making a minor, but important change to the winner selection process.

Previously, the winner was to be selected based on the greatest number of upvotes But in light of recent events, we now ask that you vote for your favorite entries through a dedicated thread in our forum. To do this, we have taken the top 9 responses so far and reprinted them in descending order in a dedicated winner selection thread. You can then vote for your favorite entries by clicking thanks on the appropriate post.

Thank you for all of your hilarious, witty, and heartfelt contest entries. Head over to the contest thread to cast your vote.  May the best tech nerd win.

source: xdadevelopers