Friday, May 2, 2014

Save Your Battery Life with WiFi Manager


Without wireless connectivity, smartphones become rather pointless. Our phones have become mobile computers that can do practically all of the basic computing tasks we need on a day to day basis. However, extensive mobile data usage can be costly.

Naturally, many then choose to connect to WiFi networks for data-intensive tasks. However, leaving WiFi enabled consumes quite a bit of battery life while searching for new networks. Luckily, XDA Recognized Developer bartito created a handy application that allows you to set an interval between WiFi network checks. When your phone in an area without WiFi, you now won’t loose too much power because the application will turn WiFi off for a predefined interval.

You can find WiFi Connection Manager by visiting the application thread. If you wish to use WiFi when available but are unwilling to deal with the inherent battery drain of searching for open networks, head over there and give it a shot.

source: xdadevelopers