Friday, May 2, 2014

Moto X+1 spotted, but what does the ‘+1′ mean?

Ever so slightly, we’re learning about the follow-up for the Moto X. The popular handset’s follow-up has been rumored for quite some time, though little is known about it to this point. Motorola, however, spilled the beans on a name for the new handset via their website.

Some enterprising folks have found the device name by altering the URL a touch in MotoMaker. Motorola’s customization portal allowed those who switched a “1” to a “2” in the URL just after the device name to mention an “X+1” device. There was a button, but no details were offered up other than the name.

From there we can gauge the device will likely be customizable, and the name will be the Moto X+1. This will lead to a lot of speculation, of which we’ll have lots of fun with. For instance, what does “+1” mean? They could have named it anything — X2, XX, etc. — but “+1” may hint at a spec we’re not thinking of. Dual camera, maybe?

It’s all very early, and Motorola hasn’t yet begun to seed leaked info for the device. We think it will keep the same form factor as the original, but offer updated specs (and perhaps a dual camera). Set to debut sometime toward the end of summer/early fall, the Moto X+1 should turn heads just like the original. It remains to be seen if the world will care as much about a resurgent Motorola that makes outstanding phones now that they’re not a Google company.

Via: Droid Life

source: androidcommunity