Friday, May 2, 2014

How Well Does Your OEM Fare in Terms of Android Updates?


Although OEMs are gradually becoming better with each passing generation, the Android update cycle is still a sore point for most users running non-Nexus devices. Heck, even those running relatively recent Nexus smartphones are not guaranteed an update to Google’s latest and greatest. That said, much of the update delay is to be expected. After all as HTC showed us a few months back, quite a lot goes into delivering an Android OS update to consumer devices. However, it is clear that certain OEMs tend to fare better than others when it comes to providing long term device support.

You may recall that several months back, within just a few short weeks after the official release of Android 4.4 KitKat, Verizon and Motorola shocked the world by delivering the first KitKat update to a non-Nexus device. For those keeping track, this update beat out all of the Google Play edition devices, and even some current-generation Nexus devices. On the other end of the spectrum, we have devices that are just now receiving (or have not yet received) KitKat.

So how do the different OEM’s rank? According to JR Raphael of Computerworld, Motorola has risen above the pack with an A+ rating. Google, with its Nexus and GPe devices, is ever so slightly behind at A-. Samsung and HTC are next with C+ and C, respectively. LG and Sony are then a notch lower at C- and D+, respectively. Then, at the bottom of the pack, we have Asus and Acer, both rocking Fs.

Head over to the Computerworld article to get the full story. Do you agree with these ratings? Where would you rank other OEMs like Oppo, Meizu, and so on? Let us know in the comments below.

[Thanks to OEM Relations Manager jerdog for the tip!]

source: xdadevelopers