Friday, April 18, 2014

Tweak Your Xperia Device’s Camera App Yourself


We’ve come to expect nearly perfect camera performance in our modern day smartphones. If the image quality is just a tad shoddy in one respect, this issue is then multiplied tenfold in our ever so critical eyes. So it’s unfortunate that sometimes a flagship phone’s camera quality is not up to snuff, especially if you’ve paid big bucks for a flagship device. If you own an Xperia device and find yourself in such a situation, you may want to check out XDA Recognized Themer and Contributor Rizal Lovins‘s new tutorial on tweaking your camera app.

Written specifically for use on Sony Xperia devices, the tutorial teaches you how to tweak and modify numerous aspects of the camera app in order to make sure all future snapshots and videos look the way you want them to. The procedures explained do not require much prior knowledge—mainly decompiling and compiling APKs and smali editing—so pretty much anyone will be able to do this themselves. Modifications include:

  • Changing audio bitrate of video recording
  • Changing video recording bitrate
  • Fixing lag during video recording
  • Changing the color format from RGB565 to ARGB8888
  • Enable the inPreferQulityOverSpeed stting
  • Change the resolution of images
  • Enabling the 12MP Superior Auto setting on Xperia devices running the official Android 4.3 update

As can be seen from the list, there’s a whole lot of tweaks you’ll be able to play with thanks to this tutorial, and they’re all relatively simple and straightforward. If you would like to find out more, be sure to check out the original thread for more information.

source: xdadevelopers