Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Robert Downey Jr. returns to promote the HTC One (M8) – this time it’s serious

Not digging the Gary Oldman commercial for the HTC One (M8)? A new clip posted to HTC’s YouTube channel gives us the impression that we’re going to be seeing a lot more of Robert Downey Jr. in the near future. We’re not exactly sure if this is a commercial that will be getting  air time on TV, because it looks like it’s quite random, but we do have to admit that there’s a certain appeal to Robert Downey Jr. commanding us to buy the HTC One (M8).

For HTC’s sake, we hope that it can sort out its One (M8) marketing strategy and deliver something that will compel people to buy the phone. Do you want to see the return of the Hipster Troll Carwash or should HTC go back to its roots and give us a new take on the You campaign?

source: androidandme