Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Pocket Updated To Version 5.4, Includes New Languages, Immersive Mode, And More


If you use Pocket for your "read it later" needs, you'll want to check the Play Store for an update. Today, Pocket announced version 5.4 of its Android app, and it includes several new features that are sure to be of interest to users. Here's the official changelog:

Translated into more languages: Chinese, Dutch, Korean, Polish and Portuguese.

Fullscreen now uses Immersive Mode on Android 4.4 KitKat and hides the status bar on Android 4.1 and up.

Refined layout and typography, which ensures that headers, images and paragraphs all flow together seamlessly.

Automatic adjustments to layout and formatting when adjusting text size to deliver the most readable view.

pocket_54_fullscreen pocket_54

The update appears to be live for all users, so head on over to Google Play and get it while it's hot.



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source: androidpolice