Tuesday, April 8, 2014

[New App] Watchup Brings A Customized Newscast To Your Tablet On Your Schedule


Who's got time to sit down and watch the news? No one, that's who. Watchup aims to save you from uninteresting news and endless hunting around on the web by building a newscast especially for you. Just set your preferences and the app delivers the good news right to your tablet.

1 2 3

Watchup can pull content from online sources that include general web video, but also national and international news channels. Simply choose your areas of interest and the app does its thing. The app loads up videos in a timeline and goes through them one-by-one. You can also scroll through and skip around as you like. Along with the videos, Watchup pulls in articles related to each video.

5 4 6

Watchup allows you to set an alert time for your daily news fix, but you can also open the app at any other time and watch. The app is free and only works on tablets.

Watchup: Your Daily Newscast

Watchup: Your Daily Newscast

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by Watchup
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source: androidpolice