Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Dropbox announces Mailbox for Android [UPDATED]

Robert Nelson

Dropbox acquired the iOS email app Mailbox nearly a year earlier. At the time the Dropbox team touted Mailbox as being "simple, delightful, and beautifully engineered." Well, as of today those using Android will be able download the Mailbox app and see for themselves.

Mailbox will be available from the Google Play Store beginning today and it brings the promise of being able to manage all your email accounts in a "simple, unified inbox." We suspect quite a few Android users are happy and willing to stick with the official Gmail app, but given the rave reviews we've seen from iOS users -- we must admit to being a little curious.

The app does appear to have some interesting features. For one, it pushes an inbox zero sort of setup. Mailbox allows you to snooze emails to a later time. Some of the other highlights include being able to swipe messages to archive or delete.

The app is expected, but has yet to arrive in the Play Store. We'll make sure to update this post with a link once it goes live.

Otherwise, along with Mailbox for Android, the folks at Dropbox also announced a desktop client. But unlike the Android version, the desktop version is going to launch in closed beta.

VIA: Engadget


source: androidcommunity