Sunday, April 6, 2014

Amazon's Fire TV - Their entrance into the console scene through a set-top box

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Published on Friday, 04 April 2014 08:19
Written by Samir Shekhawat

Hello readers of DroidGamers, I am Samir. I will be writing articles as much as possible around here, and I am very excited.  Writing  on  a  tech/gaming  site  has  been  a  small  dream  of  mine.  I'm  in  high  school,  and  I  get  loads  of homework that is unfortunately more important than my role here. Every weekend, expect me to write a weekly wrap up of the Android gaming news in the world (I may also toss in  some other  significant tech news). If I have time during the week, I will write articles about anything going on just like I am now. I hope you enjoy my work. Feel free to follow me on Google+ at +Samir Shekhawat. Now, the new streaming box from Amazon.

If you are interested in getting other little gadgets and gizmos to enhance your TV, there have been options out there for you. From Apple TV to Roku to Chromecast, there are already some phenomenal little TV dongles and boxes available. What makes the $100 Amazon Fire TV so special? I'm really not sure. Oh wait...  you can play games on it!

You can check out the full details of the Amazon Fire TV here, but here at DroidGamers, we are focused more on the gaming side of it. Without further a due, here is what makes the Fire TV an interesting buy.

Amazon is not looking to take on gaming giants like Sony and Microsoft. Instead, they are looking towards who do not own gaming consoles yet. It's pretty safe to say that people that own gaming consoles already will get this as a secondary device. Apart from the ability to stream Netflix, Hulu Plus, ESPN, Vimeo, and many others, the Fire TV supports  thousands of games.  Even well known companies such as Sega, EA, Gameloft,  Disney,  and Ubisoft are among the developers.

The Fire TV has a neat little remote included in the box, but for an additional $40, you may purchase a game controller directly from Amazon. This is pretty important to play games, so if you wish to get the Fire TV, plan on spending $140 in all. Amazon Game Studios will also be developing their own games for the Fire TV. On the demo version of the Fire TV at the event, Amazon showcased a new game called Sev Zero which seems similar to the Gears of War franchise. Although I haven't had a chance to play it yet, by the looks of it, Sev Zero seems like a winner. More news on Sev Zero later. Games will be priced around the $1.85 mark, and there are still over 1000 free to play games if you are interested.

I hope to get the Fire TV, test it out, and come up with a formal review soon. It's too early to tell how Amazon will do with his product, but there is still the elephant in the room. Everyone that wants a set top box or a dongle has one. Apple has their Apple TV, Google has the Chromecast, a $35 dongle, and Roku has a great set top box and a dongle. These are all less than the price of the Fire TV with the controller. Why would people switch? I don't think the games, are enough to make buyers cough up another $100-­140 dollars.

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