Yatse XBMC Remote Gets A Big Update To 4.0, Brings Chromecast, Muzei Support, And More
If Yatse is your go-to XBMC remote on Android, this weekend's update should be a nice surprise. If you're still looking for a good remote solution, now may be the time to check this one out.
In short, Yatse got bumped to version 4.0, which brings a handful of new features to the already-powerful application, like Chromecast support, Muzei integration, a newly designed interface, improved speed and stability, an internal audio player, and offline media support.
Yatse is free to try, but the full version will set back $4.49. Hit the widget to give it a shot.
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Cameron Summerson | Cameron is a self-made geek, Android enthusiast, horror movie fanatic, and musician. When he's not pounding keys here at AP, you can find him spending time with his wife and kids, plucking away on the 6- or 7-string, or watching The Texas Chainsaw Massacre on repeat. |
source: androidpolice