Tuesday, March 4, 2014

LG G Pro 2 preview — even bigger, even better

LG G Pro 2

Everything you loved in the smaller LG G2, and then some, is in the G Pro 2

The game that is the oversized Android smartphone — don’t say “phablet,” we beg you — has become one of leapfrog in the past couple years.

Consider: The original Samsung Galaxy Note in 2011 was a surprise hit. Turns out folks do want phones that big. Then LG rolled out the forgettable Optimus Vu. Samsung continues on in 2012 with the Note 2. But then LG — seemingly (ahem) inspired — fires back in early 2013 with the original Optimus G Pro, sleeker and slimmer than its competitor. Last fall sees the Galaxy Note 3.

And now we have the LG G Pro 2. Even bigger. Even better. Unburdened by the “Optimus” name, which LG tells us didn’t really do that much in terms of brand recognition anyway. If things look familiar, they should. Much of what you’ll see here is present in the LG G2 (and some of the additions will make their way back to the G2).

Let’s take a walk through this oversized phone, shall we?


source: androidcentral