Thursday, March 13, 2014

Google Maps 7.7 Brings Event Data to Places, YouTube Gets Curious New Dog Bone Icon


Just when we thought Google was done for the day with first party app updates, after their new versions of Google Wallet, Google Translate, and Chrome Beta, they unleash another significant application update—this time, to Google Maps. The YouTube app also received a strange update, with just one very minor visible change.

Today’s Maps update to version 7.7.0 brings one major new feature, and that’s the ability to see upcoming event data for locations viewed through Google Maps. It’s reasonable to assume that this data is being pulled from the same sources as the data feeding the Google Now Nearby Events card. And as such, this is quite similar to how Google Wallet now incorporates order tracking data.

The YouTube app was also updated today to version 5.5.26. This new version doesn’t bring any significant user-facing changes aside from a strange new icon that can be seen in the title image to your right. The menus, suggested video cards, and video playback screens all look approximately the same, and we’re unsure about the relevance of the icon. However, an update’s an update, so get it while the getting’s good.

Head over to the Google Play listings for Maps and YouTube to get started. And for those tired of waiting for the staged rollout, we’ve gone ahead and mirrored the updates on our DevHost account:

[Thanks again to kautionwirez for the Maps APK and to my fellow writer Tom for the heads up on the YouTube icon!]

source: xdadevelopers