Monday, March 17, 2014

AT&T Moto X getting Android 4.4.2 soak test today

While other Moto X users have long had their Android 4.4.2 updates, AT&T users like me have had to wait. AT&T isn’t particularly fast with updates, unfortunately, so customers should be used to waiting. However, the soak test is finally being released for the AT&T Moto X, and it brings the device up to the absolute latest version of Android.

Those that are part of the soak test should see this update rolled out today. It’s pretty much the same update that the other carriers rolled out, with battery life improvements and a few small added features. It really isn’t a large update, but an appreciated one. However, those that aren’t part of the soak test (most people) will not be getting this update yet.

The soak test rolling out means that the official update will be out fairly soon for AT&T Moto X users. While not all that important of an update, I just don’t like to be made to wait. Are you part of the soak test and are you getting this update? Leave a comment!

source: androidandme