Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Android distribution numbers are out, KitKat at 2.5% and Jelly Bean at 62%

Android distribution numbers are always somewhat neat to look at, even though they don’t mean much for us regular users. They’re a developer tool to tailor apps to as many people as you can afford. Nonetheless, it’s interesting to see how fast (or slow, to be realistic) the newest version of Android is growing.

Currently, the newest version of Android is KitKat and it has a steady, though slow, growth. It’s currently sitting at 2.5%, up from 1.8% last month. This isn’t too bad, considering how long the big manufacturers are taking to get the update out to everyone. Once Samsung, HTC, Sony and LG update the main flagships, we should see this number rise pretty quickly.

Jelly Bean as a whole, from Android 4.1 to Android 4.3, holds an impressive 62%, though more than half of that is taken up by Android 4.1. Gingerbread is down to 19%, which is great, and Ice Cream Sandwich is at 15.2%. Nothing surprising in these numbers, but it’s good that Gingerbread is finally below a fifth of all Android devices. Do you think KitKat will go above 20% this year? Leave your thoughts in the comments!

source: androidandme