Thursday, February 27, 2014

We're testing a new beta build of the Android Central App!

Android Central App

It's been far too long since we last updated our official Android Central App — so let's do something about that, shall we? We've just pushed to our beta group a new build that tackles a number of nagging issues. They include:

  • Removed the (potentially) NSFW wallpaper sections from the app at the behest of many of our readers, as well as a few other app stores we submit to.
  • Fix for wallpaper sizing when set as desktop background.
  • Fix for some images being stretched in article view.
  • Back by popular request: You can now see how many hours or days ago a story was published.
  • Better handling for deeply nested article comments (no squeezed unreadable comments).
  • We now display inline images in article comments.
  • Fixed issue with article comments sometimes being unselectable, keeping folks from replaying.
  • Various updates for recent sever-side updates.
  • Fixed quote handling in forums (from new version of Tapatalk).

A reminder about our beta group: When we last updated (again, way too long ago, we know), we switched from the legacy Google Group to a Google+ Community for managing the beta updates. You can join our beta G+ Community here, and please use that channel for leaving feedback.

Thanks, and we've got more long-awaited features coming. (When? Soon!)


source: androidcentral